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Home and School Association (HSA) is the volunteer arm of St. John the Evangelist School that raises necessary funds, provides support for teachers and staff, enriches the students academic experience and builds a sense of community by sponsoring special events. All parents of students in preschool through Grade 8, school administrators, teachers and staff are members of the HSA. All are encouraged to attend HSA meetings and help plan, organize and participate in the many activities/programs it sponsors.


Serving the school in various ways helps to support the school financially and provides a Gospel witness for our students. Each K-8 SJE family is required to serve a minimum of 18 volunteer hours per year, or 16 hours and attend 2 hours of Adult Faith Formation sponsored by St. John the Evangelist Parish.  


For those families who choose not to fulfill this requirement, a fee of $800 will be added to the May 1st tuition. The service hour fee cannot be prorated. This fee is not the same as the fundraising fee.



Our school is funded through four sources: tuition, parish subsidy, donations/grants, and fundraising. The Home and School Association conducts fundraising events each year for school support.  Families are required to help raise funds annually through involvement in committees, promotions of events, volunteering in fundraising programs, and actual sales and/or purchases.


All K-8 families are expected to participate in fundraising events that are coordinated through the Home and School Association.  Families who have only preschool children are strongly encouraged to participate actively in fundraising but are not required.

Fundraising participation requirements include:

  1. Spring Fling - Purchase two tickets.  This obligation may be met in the following ways:


  • Purchase 2 tickets and attend Spring Fling

  • Sell 2 tickets to others to attend in your place

  • Make a donation for an amount equivalent to the cost of 2 tickets to Spring Fling if you are unable to attend

  • Sponsor Spring Fling at the Fire level or above

  • Partner with Spring Fling at the Honored level or above

  • A limited number of opportunities exist for families to meet this obligation by working Spring Fling from 5:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.  All workers are required to attend a training session prior to the event.  Working the event will also count towards service hours.

Those who do not meet this obligation will have the amount equivalent of 2 tickets added to their May tuition.   For more information about working Spring Fling in lieu of purchasing tickets/making a donation, please contact Megan Lowe.


    2. The Race for Education - families are required to provide a minimum of 5 viable names for the appeal letters.  Families who provide more than 5 names will receive incentives. If a family refuses to submit 5 names, it will be viewed as non-participation in the event and will be subject to the opt-out fee discussed below.


Families are urged to assist with and participate in HSA events throughout the year.  Information about events and fundraising programs is available on flyers, through emails, and at the Home and School page on the school website.  


In lieu of participating in any fundraising, families may choose instead to pay $800 to the Home and School Association. This payment is due with August tuition.  The $800 opt-out fee for fundraising does not exempt anyone from the duty to perform 18 Service Hours.

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