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The Home and School Association (HSA) is led by a board of officers and is organized into work groups that plan and coordinate the numerous events and programs that take place throughout the year. Participation as an HSA officer is open to any parent. Positions are one to two years in length and, while voluntary, require a commitment of time and dedication as with any other organization. Please refer to the HSA Bylaws for complete descriptions of the responsibilities associated with each board position.


HSA officers are always open to input from St. John the Evangelist families who are welcome to contact them at any time. Specific questions or concerns and ideas for meeting topics and/or guest speakers may also be forwarded to the President.


President, Megan Lowe

Vice President, Stephanie Bracken

Treasurer, Heather DeJarlais

Secretary, Taylor Rassel


Room Parent Coordinator, Liz McCrea

HSA Infographic.png


The Parent Assisted Supplemental Salary P.A.S.S. program is a donation based way to recognize and thank all of our staff for choosing to teach at SJE School.  In lieu of room parents collecting monetary donations for individual classroom gifts, contributions will be pooled together and given in the form of a bonus to all staff members two times per year: December for Christmas and May for the end of the school year. To make a donation visit the website or scan the QR Code.




Pass QR Code.png


HSA meetings are held throughout the year in Trinity Hall (Day Chapel basement) or the MEC (Mobile Education Center). These meetings provide opportunities for parents to ask questions, make suggestions, and obtain important information. They also provide opportunities to plan upcoming events. Parents will earn 1 service hour for attending an HSA meeting. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. in Trinity Hall and last approximately one and a half hours.


Upcoming Meetings (2024-25):

August 21 Minutes

October 16 Minutes

December 4 Minutes​

March 19

May 21



HSA Meeting Notes

January 2022

February 2022

April 2022

May 2022

August 2022

October 2022

January 2023

March 2023

May 2023

October 2023

November 2023

January 2024


Each K-8 SJE parishioner family is required to serve a minimum of 18 volunteer hours per year. Two of the 16 hours may be substituted with attendance at an Adult Faith Formation session sponsored by SJE Parish. A completed Service Hour Form should be submitted to the school office. 


Parents can sign up on the following Google links:


5K Race and 1 Mile Walk


Bulk Mailing

Race for Education

Race for Education Cricut Banner

Veteran's Day

Copy Aide

Grandparent's Day

CSW Pizza Lunch

Monthly Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

Spirit Day Treat Cart

Christmas Lunch for Faculty & Staff

St. Nicholas Day

Mother/Son Event

Crossing Guard

Thanksgiving Food Donation Drivers

Christmas Food Drive Drivers

Daddy Daughter Dance (Shadow)

Book Fair 2025

Lenten Soup Lunch

Spring Fling - Day Before

Spring Fling - Day Of

Spring Fling - Night Of

Misc Spring Fliing

P.A.S.S. Parking Lot Duty



Like all schools, St. John the Evangelist sponsors fundraisers to help bridge the gap between its income and the actual cost of education as well as to raise capital for special projects or needs the school may have. The school is funded through four sources: tuition, parish subsidy, donations/grants, and fundraising. The Home and School Association (HSA) organizes and executes two major fundraising events which benefit the social and academic enrichment of our students. Fundraising events also help to moderate tuition increases. More information on these events can be found under Giving.


  • Race for Education is a walk-a-thon where students are financially sponsored by friends and family to walk around a designated area for a designated time.

  • Spring Fling is a parish-wide dinner dance with silent and live auctions.


Parent support through committee involvement, event promotion, and actual sales and/or purchases is essential to the success of these events. All families are expected to participate in fundraising events that are coordinated through HSA. Parents should consult the Parent Handbook for more information on what is specifically required of each family.


All HSA forms can be found under the Parent page.

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